Friday, September 30, 2011

Greens Aerification

You can feel the chill in the air, and see the leaves turning from green to a nice golden yellow. You wake up with the sun at 6:30, you grab your golf bag and head to the golf course hoping to get in a quick 18 holes before breakfast.  But when you get to the course you hear that the greens have been aerified and the pro behind the counter might as well told you that your dog had been hit by a run away golf cart.  I know most golfers cringe at the sound of aerification, but it is a necessary evil if you want firm, smooth, and healthy putting greens next season.  The aerification process allows us to reduce thatch (part of what makes a green feel spongy), increase water infiltration, get much needed oxygen to the root system, and get nutrients to the roots.  The greens should take about 10 to 14 days to fully heal from this aerification, and once they have completely healed there is still 4 to 6 weeks of good golf left in the season. There are a few pictures attached as well as a quick video showing the aerifier in action.

view of aerifier pulling cores from 4 green

core harvester picking up cores

Brandon cleaning up cores from green